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High-performance thermosets for additive manufacturing
Thamires Andrade Lima, Anh Fridman, Jaclyn McLaughlin, Clayton Francis, Anthony Clay, Ganesh Narayanan, Heedong Yoon, Mohanad Idrees, Giuseppe R. Palmese, John La Scala and Nicolas Javier Alvarez Innovation and Emerging Technologies 10 (2023)
Revolutionising textile manufacturing: a comprehensive review on 3D and 4D printing technologies
Effect of Post-Process Curing and Washing Time on Mechanical Properties of mSLA Printouts
Bartłomiej Nowacki, Paweł Kowol, Mateusz Kozioł, Piotr Olesik, Jakub Wieczorek and Krzysztof Wacławiak Materials 14(17) 4856 (2021)