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Determination of the Composition and Concentrations of the Components of Mixtures of Hydrocarbon Media in the Course of its Express Analysis

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New method for determining the composition of liquid media during the express control of their state using the nuclear magnetic resonance phenomena

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Modeling parameters of the flood control facilities adapted to climate change

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Fiber-optical system for transmitting heterodyne signals in active phased antenna arrays of radar stations

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Peculiarities of magnetic resonance signals processing during the express control of the liquid media state

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The effect of optical density of the flowing liquid on the measurement error of its refractive index

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The expediency of fiber-optical communication line used in different schemes of receiver tract of the radio-monitoring complex

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Mathematical models of operating regimes of flood control facility’s system

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A new method of processing a pulse wave in rapid diagnosis of the human health

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Method of assessment the degree of reliability of the pulse wave image in the rapid diagnosis of the human condition

A S Grevtseva, K J Smirnov, K V Greshnevikov, V V Davydov, V Yu Rud’ and A P Glinushkin
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A new algorithm for processing the absorption and scattering signals of laser radiation on a blood vessel and human tissues

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Application of new architectural and planning solutions to create an ecological city (on the example of Shanghai, China)

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Multifunctional method for remote monitoring of the environment in the area of nuclear facilities

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The development of small and medium-sized businesses, as the basis for a balanced development of agriculture in Russia

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The method of improving the parameters of the microwave excitation signal in the rubidium – 87 quantum frequency standard

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Features of construction of the scheme of fiber-optic communication system for transmission of analog signals in the frequency range from 0.135 to 40 GHz

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Development of a measuring device for the study of thermal processes during the polymerase chain reaction

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On the need to control the state of the flowing media by the values of relaxation constants

N S Myazin, V V Davydov, V V Yushkova, et al.
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Polarization sensitivity of ZnSe single crystals based structures

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The determination of concentration and components composition for mixtures of hydrocarbon media with its express control

V.V. Davydov, N.S. Myazin, N.M. Grebenikova and V.I. Dudkin
Izmeritel`naya Tekhnika (12) 57 (2019)

A novel method of waste processing of polymetal raw materials to make useful nanoproducts

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Scientific support of the fodder production: V.R. Williams All-Russian Fodder Research Institute (WFRI) activity

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Methodology for assessing the environmental characteristics of various methods of generating electricity

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Microwave low mass-dimensional frequency standard on Hg- 199 ions

N A Lukashev, V V Davydov, A P Glinushkin, V Yu Rud’ and V S Lukyantsev
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1410 (1) 012211 (2019)

Features of the signal registration and processing in the study of liquid flow medium by the refraction method

N M Grebenikova, R V Davydov and V Yu Rud
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New optical method for studying a magnetic track from a moving object

S E Logunov, V V Davydov, A P Glinuchkin, I Yu Podkovyrov and V Yu Rud’
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About Scaling of Controlling Information System of Industrial Complex by Streamlining of Big Data Arrays in Compliance with Hierarchy of the Present Lifeworlds

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International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences 4 (5) 1127 (2019)

The research of temperature instability influence of fiber optic communication line in phase direction finder channels on peleng accuracy

A S Podstrigaev, A S Lukiyanov, A V Smolyakov, et al.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1410 (1) 012155 (2019)