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Cited article:

Optimization of the body strut of the grain hopper wagon

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Study of the Dynamics and Strength of the Detachable Module for Long Cargoes under Asymmetric Loading Diagrams

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Strength Assessment of an Improved Design of a Tank Container under Operating Conditions

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Analysis of the Dynamics and Strength of the Symmetrically Loaded Bearing Structure of a Tank Car with Friction Bonds Implemented by Means of Elastic Elements in the Tank Supports

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The dependence of the brake disc aerodynamic drag on the rolling stock motion speed

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Analysis of the Loading on an Articulated Flat Wagon of Circular Pipes Loaded with Tank Containers

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Dynamics and Strength of Circular Tube Open Wagons with Aluminum Foam Filled Center Sills

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Determination of the Loading of a Flat Rack Container during Operating Modes

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Experimental verification of tank wagon’s ability to transmit longitudinal forces in opposite track curves

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Examination of structural properties of a new railway wagon design for flammable substance transportation

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Dynamic Load Modelling within Combined Transport Trains during Transportation on a Railway Ferry

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Dynamic load of the carrying structure of an articulated wagon with new draft gear concepts

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