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Testing Bench for Reciprocating Hydraulic Cylinders with Energy Recovery: Structure, Simulation, and Calculation

A. R. Zenin, A. T. Rybak, A. N. Beskopylny, A. Yu. Pelipenko and Yu. A. Serdyukova
Advanced Engineering Research (Rostov-on-Don) 24 (4) 347 (2024)

Analysis of non-spool throttle flow dividers for synchronous hydromechanical drives

Alexander Rybak, Besarion Meskhi, Dmitry Rudoy, Anastasiya Olshevskaya, Alexey Pelipenko, Yuliya Serdyukova, Svetlana Teplyakova, Maxim Romanov, M.-T. Liong and I.V. Tkacheva
BIO Web of Conferences 84 02028 (2024)

Simulation of a synchronous hydrodynamic system based on a throttle flow divider of a non-valve type

Alexander Rybak, Besarion Meskhi, Alexey Pelipenko, Yuliya Serdyukova, Svetlana Teplyakova, Maxim Marchenko, M.-T. Liong and I.V. Tkacheva
BIO Web of Conferences 84 02029 (2024)

Structure and calculations of the test stand for piston hydraulic cylinder trials

Alexander Rybak, Besarion Meskhi, Dmitry Rudoy, Anastasiya Olshevskaya, Alexey Pelipenko, Yuliya Serdyukova, Svetlana Teplyakova, Ivan Ovchinikov, Alexey Prutskov, D. Rudoy, A.N. Altybaev, M. Petkovich and N. Miletic
E3S Web of Conferences 583 03015 (2024)

Approbation of the test stand for piston hydraulic cylinders

Alexander Rybak, Besarion Meskhi, Dmitry Rudoy, Anastasiya Olshevskaya, Alexey Pelipenko, Yuliya Serdyukova, Svetlana Teplyakova, Alexey Prutskov, Ivan Kolesnikov, D. Rudoy, A.N. Altybaev, M. Petkovich and N. Miletic
E3S Web of Conferences 583 03014 (2024)

Improving the Efficiency of the Drive of the Test Bench of Rotary Hydraulic Machines

Alexander Rybak, Besarion Meskhi, Dmitry Rudoy, Anastasiya Olshevskaya, Yuliya Serdyukova, Svetlana Teplyakova and Alexey Pelipenko
Actuators 13 (2) 63 (2024)

Simulation of the testing process of reciprocating hydraulic cylinders with energy recovery

Alexander Rybak, Besarion Meskhi, Dmitry Rudoy, Anastasiya Olshevskaya, Alexey Pelipenko, Yuliya Serdyukova, Mary Odabashyan, Svetlana Teplyakova, D.V. Rudoy, A.V. Olshevskaya and M.Yu. Odabashyan
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Modeling and calculation of the technological process of testing piston hydraulic cylinders with energy recovery

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XIV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2021"

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XIV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2021"

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The induction heating process modelling of the waveguide paths’ flanges

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Simulation of loading dynamics and hydrodynamics of drives of forest machine working bodies

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Mathematical Modeling of Induction Heating of Waveguide Path Assemblies during Induction Soldering

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Simulation of the hydraulic system of a device with self-adaptation for power and kinematic parameters on the working body

T. A. Khinikadze, A. T. Rybak and P. I. Popikov
Advanced Engineering Research 21 (1) 55 (2021)

Stand for carrying out life tests of plunger hydraulic cylinders with energy recovery

A Yu Pelipenko and A T Rybak
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1001 (1) 012001 (2020)