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Cited article:

Networked Control Systems for Connected and Automated Vehicles

Konstantin Kornienko, Ivan Olgeizer, Andrey Sukhanov, Iuliia Tanaino and Vladislav Sokolov
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Networked Control Systems for Connected and Automated Vehicles 509 441 (2023)

Networked Control Systems for Connected and Automated Vehicles

Konstantin Kornienko, Ivan Olgeizer, Olga Mayer and Iuliia Tanaino
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Networked Control Systems for Connected and Automated Vehicles 509 431 (2023)

Study of the efficiency of brake shoes

Konstantin Kornienko, Ivan Olgeizer, Andrey Sukhanov, Oksana Pokrovskaya and Vladislav Sokolov
Transportation Research Procedia 63 386 (2022)

International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021

Aleksey Dmitrenko and Namsrai Namzhildorj
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021 403 595 (2022)

International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021

Konstantin Kornienko, Andrei Obukhov, Maxim Sokolov and Iuliia Tanaino
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021 403 215 (2022)

Proceedings of the XIII International Scientific Conference on Architecture and Construction 2020

Konstantin Kornienko, Ivan Olgeyzer, Alexander Sevostyanov, Iuliia Tanaino and Aleksey Dmitrenko
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Proceedings of the XIII International Scientific Conference on Architecture and Construction 2020 130 164 (2021)

VIII International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum

Konstantin Kornienko, Sergei Bessonenko and Iuliia Tanaino
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, VIII International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum 1115 655 (2020)