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Cited article:

Optimal Voltage Distribution on PZT Actuator Pairs for Vibration Damping in Beams with Different Boundary Conditions

Andrea Rossi and Fabio Botta
Actuators 12 (2) 85 (2023)

Accuracy Characterization of a MEMS Accelerometer for Vibration Monitoring in a Rotating Framework

Andrea Rossi, Gabriele Bocchetta, Fabio Botta and Andrea Scorza
Applied Sciences 13 (8) 5070 (2023)

A Novel, Low-Cost and Reliable Workbench for Optimal Voltage Distribution on Piezoelectric Array Actuators

Lorenzo Schinaia, Andrea Scorza, Fabio Botta, Andrea Rossi, Roberto Maiozzi, Francesco Orsini and Salvatore Andrea Sciuto
Actuators 8 (1) 6 (2019)