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Probabilistic Surface Layer Fatigue Strength Assessment of EN AC-46200 Sand Castings
Sebastian Pomberger, Matthias Oberreiter, Martin Leitner, Michael Stoschka and Jörg Thuswaldner Metals 10(5) 616 (2020)
Validation Study on the Statistical Size Effect in Cast Aluminium
Application of a
-Approach for Fatigue Assessment of Cast Aluminum Alloys at Elevated Temperature
Roman Aigner, Christian Garb, Martin Leitner, Michael Stoschka and Florian Grün Metals 8(12) 1033 (2018)
Modification of a Defect-Based Fatigue Assessment Model for Al-Si-Cu Cast Alloys
Roman Aigner, Martin Leitner, Michael Stoschka, Christian Hannesschläger, Thomas Wabro and Robert Ehart Materials 11(12) 2546 (2018)