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Separation of base metals from reduction smelt-alloy of spent lithium-ion batteries by ferric sulfate leaching, cementation, solvent extraction and oxidative precipitation
Determination of Key Quality Indicators for Organization of Potable Water Source Monitoring under Changing Climatic Conditions
Ivan A. Khlystov, Polina K. Kharkova, Alexandra V. Bugaeva, Tatyana V. Zamolotskikh and Tatyana N. Shtin ЗДОРОВЬЕ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ И СРЕДА ОБИТАНИЯ - ЗНиСО / PUBLIC HEALTH AND LIFE ENVIRONMENT 84 (2022)
Preparation of Mn/Ti-modified zeolite and its performance for removing iron and manganese
Option study to remove Mn(2+) by KMnO4 at a water treatment plant
Jinxuan Xu, Veeriah Jegatheesan, Ravi Raveendran and Bryan Chatelier Process Safety and Environmental Protection 152 327 (2021)
Zinc chloride modification of sage leaves powder and its application as an adsorbent for KMnO4 removal from aqueous solutions