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Exploring the potential reuse of phosphogypsum: A waste or a resource?
Fatima Akfas, Abdellatif Elghali, Abdelmaula Aboulaich, Manuel Munoz, Mostafa Benzaazoua and Jean-Louis Bodinier Science of The Total Environment 908 168196 (2024)
Experimental Study on the Road Performance of High Content of Phosphogypsum in the Lime–Fly Ash Mixture
A review on calcium-rich industrial wastes: a sustainable source of raw materials in India for civil infrastructure—opportunities and challenges to bond circular economy
The Improvement of the Thermal and Acoustic Insulation Properties of Phosphogypsum Specimens by Adding Waste Wood Fibre
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The improvement of the thermal and acoustic insulation properties of phosphogypsum specimens by adding waste wood fibre
Ignacio Villalón Fornés, Danutė Vaičiukynienė, Dalia Nizevičienė, Gintautas Tamošaitis and Darius Pupeikis Construction and Building Materials 331 127341 (2022)
Insulation Foam Concrete Nanomodified with Microsilica and Reinforced with Polypropylene Fiber for the Improvement of Characteristics
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Supersulfated Cement Applied to Produce Lightweight Concrete
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The influence of two types of alkali activators on the microstructure and performance of supersulfated cement concrete: mitigating the strength and carbonation resistance
Valorization of phosphogypsum in cement-based materials: Limits and potential in eco-efficient construction
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L. A. Anikanova, A. I. Kurmangalieva, O. V. Volkova and D. M. Pervushina Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel'nogo universiteta. JOURNAL of Construction and Architecture 22(1) 106 (2020)
Environmental Problems of Phosphogypsum Utilization