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PX4 Simulation Results of a Quadcopter with a Disturbance-Observer-Based and PSO-Optimized Sliding Mode Surface Controller
Yutao Jing, Xianghe Wang, Juan Heredia-Juesas, Charles Fortner, Christopher Giacomo, Rifat Sipahi and Jose Martinez-Lorenzo Drones 6(9) 261 (2022)
Evolutionary Autopilot Design Approach for UAV Quadrotor by Using GA
M. Zareb, W. Nouibat, Y. Bestaoui, R. Ayad and Y. Bouzid Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering 44(1) 347 (2020)
PSO tuned FLC for full autopilot control of quadrotor to tackle wind disturbance using bond graph approach