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Geopolymers and Functionalization Strategies for the Development of Sustainable Materials in Construction Industry and Cultural Heritage Applications: A Review
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Adding value to aluminosilicate solid wastes to produce adsorbents, catalysts and filtration membranes for water and wastewater treatment
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Advances in geopolymer materials: A comprehensive review
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Ruby Gutiérrez, Mónica Villaquirán-Caicedo, Sandra Ramírez-Benavides, Myriam Astudillo and Daniel Mejía Coatings 10(2) 157 (2020)
Modulation of Inorganic Matrices for Functional Nanoarchitectures Fabrication: The Simultaneous Effect of Moisture and Temperature in the Preparation of Metakaolin Based Geopolymers
Nor-El-Houda Fardjaoui, Bernd Wicklein, Pilar Aranda, Isabel Sobrados, Fatima Zohra El Berrichi and Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 91(7) 1158 (2018)
Geopolymer for use in heavy metals adsorption, and advanced oxidative processes: a critical review