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Graphene nanoplatelets–cellulose nanocrystals in engine oil for automotive applications
G Kadirgama, A Kumar, M Sandhya, L Samylingam, D Ramasamy, K Kadirgama, H A Mohammed, M Samykano and R Saidur Green Materials 11(2) 87 (2023)
Nanolubricants in refrigeration systems: a state-of-the-art review and latest developments
David Fernando Marcucci Pico, José Alberto Reis Parise and Enio Pedone Bandarra Filho Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 45(2) (2023)
Optimization of Air Conditioning Performance with Al2O3-SiO2/PAG Composite Nanolubricants Using the Response Surface Method
Nurul Nadia Mohd Zawawi, Wan Hamzah Azmi, Abd Aziz Mohamad Redhwan, Anwar Ilmar Ramadhan and Hafiz Muhammad Ali Lubricants 10(10) 243 (2022)
Morphology and optical properties of ZnO nanorods coupled with metal oxides of various bandgaps by photo-oxidation
Energy saving in automotive air conditioning system performance using SiO2/PAG nanolubricants
M. Z. Sharif, W. H. Azmi, A. A. M. Redhwan, R. Mamat and G. Najafi Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 135(2) 1285 (2019)
Performance improvement in mobile air conditioning system using Al2O3/PAG nanolubricant
Application of response surface methodology in optimization of automotive air-conditioning performance operating with SiO2/PAG nanolubricant
A. A. M. Redhwan, W. H. Azmi, G. Najafi, M. Z. Sharif and N. N. M. Zawawi Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 135(2) 1269 (2019)
The characterization and thermo-physical property investigations of SiO2/HFE7000 nanorefrigerants