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Improvement of the Logistic Processes using the Reverse Logistics Concept
Zbigniew Lukasik, Aldona Kuśmińska-Fijalkowska and Sylwia Olszańska Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina 23(3) A174 (2021)
Analysis of Safety Requirements for Securing the Semi-Trailer Truck on the Intermodal Railway Wagon
Sustainability of Railway Undertaking Services with Lean Philosophy in Risk Management—Case Study
Eva Nedeliakova, Maria Hudakova, Matej Masar, Lenka Lizbetinova, Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska and Peter Šulko Sustainability 12(13) 5298 (2020)
Methodical Manual for a Set of Transport Regulations in Railway Passenger Transport
Lenka Černá, Vladislav Zitrický and Borna Abramović LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics 11(1) 13 (2020)
Methodological Procedure for Evaluation and Valuation of Additional Services in Rail Freight Transport
Vladimír Klapita, Lenka Černá and Xiquan Liu LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics 11(1) 57 (2020)