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Systems and subsystems of track, control and management of high-speed railway
A A Shevchenko, O O Matviienko, V A Lyuty, V G Manuylenko and N A Murygina IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1021(1) 012027 (2021)
Operation Study of the Node of Stringer Staged Connection Point of the Railway Bridge Track-Way
Glib L. Vatulia, Sophia D. Komagorova, Olena V. Opanasenko and Oleksii V. Lobiak Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Proceedings of CEE 2019 47 501 (2020)
Loading on the carrying structure of a flat wagon when transporting firing military equipment
Strengthening prefabricated reinforced concrete roof beams that are damaged by corrosion of concrete and reinforcement
Andrii Kramarchuk, Borys Ilnytskyy, Oksana Lytvyniak and Yuriy Famulyak IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708(1) 012060 (2019)
Theoretical analysis of RC beams reinforced with high strength rebar’s and steel plate
Taras Bobalo, Yaroslav Blikharskyy, Nadiia Kopiika and Mykhailo Volynets IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708(1) 012045 (2019)
Rationalization of cross-sections of the composite reinforced concrete span structure of bridges with a monolithic reinforced concrete roadway slab
G L Vatulia, O V Lobiak, S V Deryzemlia, M A Verevicheva and Ye F Orel IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 664(1) 012014 (2019)
Theoretical calculation method for crack resistance of jacketed RC columns
Pavlo Krainskyi, Pavlo Vegera, Roman Khmil and Zinoviy Blikharskyy IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 708(1) 012059 (2019)
Optimization of the truss beam. Verification of the calculation results