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Thermal experiments and analysis on adhesive cleaning of work-holding devices by grinding
Syed Mustafa Haider, Sarmad Ali Khan, Muhammad Asad Ali, Muhammad Umar Farooq and Kashif Ishfaq The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 122(9-10) 3849 (2022)
Advanced Manufacturing Processes III
Oleg Zabolotnyi, Tetiana Bozhko, José Machado, Serhii Yarmoliuk and Olha Zaleta Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes III 455 (2022)
Impact of nozzle design on grinding temperature of hardened steel under MQL condition
Semiempirical heat flux model of hard-brittle bone material in ductile microgrinding
Min Yang, Changhe Li, Zafar Said, et al. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 71 501 (2021)
Krisna Adhitya, Zaldy Lijuardy Salim, Muhamad Fadhlan Thalib, Purnomo Arif Abdillah, Cornelius Antoni Nababan, Sholehhudin Al Ayubi, Dini Harsanti, Sara Aisyah Syafira, Edvin Aldrianan and Safrizal Safrizal 1 (2019)