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Cited article:

Tensile strength of cemented paste backfill for lead–zinc mill tailings: lab and in situ scenarios

Santosh Kumar Behera, Devi Prasad Mishra, Prashant Singh, Ashok Godugu, Kanhaiya Mishra, Phanil Kumar Mandal, Sujit Kumar Mandal and Arvind Kumar Mishra
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 16 (8) (2023)

Utilization of mill tailings, fly ash and slag as mine paste backfill material: Review and future perspective

S.K. Behera, D.P. Mishra, Prashant Singh, K. Mishra, Sujit K. Mandal, C.N. Ghosh, Ritesh Kumar and Phanil K. Mandal
Construction and Building Materials 309 125120 (2021)