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Changes in Income after an Industrial Accident According to Industry and Return-to-Work Status
Suk Won Bae, Sarah Soyeon Oh, Wha Me Park, Jaehoon Roh and Jong-Uk Won International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16(14) 2603 (2019)
Modeling of the Accidentality Phenomenon in the Construction Industry
Health and Safety Perception of Construction Workers in Saudi Arabia
Muizz O. SANNI-ANIBIRE, Abubakar S. MAHMOUD, Mohammad A. HASSANAIN and Faleh ALMUTAIRI Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment 11(3) 107 (2018)
Income Changes Due to Disability Ratings and Participation in Economic Activities Caused by Industrial Accidents: A Population-Based Study of Data from the Fourth Panel Study of Workers’ Compensation Insurance (PSWCI)
Suk Won Bae, Sehyun Yun, Ye Seol Lee, Jin-Ha Yoon, Jaehoon Roh and Jong-Uk Won International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15(11) 2478 (2018)
The application of cluster analysis to identify the occupational profile of people injured in accidents in the Polish construction industry