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A CAM-Based Weakly Supervised Method for Surface Defect Inspection
Xiaojun Wu, Tuo Wang, Yiming Li, Peng Li and Yunhui Liu IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71 1 (2022)
A strip steel surface defect detection method based on attention mechanism and multi-scale maxpooling
Ming Tang, Yuanyuan Li, Wei Yao, Lingyu Hou, Qichun Sun and Jiahang Chen Measurement Science and Technology 32(11) 115401 (2021)
A Novel Method Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Wafer Semiconductor Surface Defect Inspection
Guojun Wen, Zhijun Gao, Qi Cai, Yudan Wang and Shuang Mei IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69(12) 9668 (2020)