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Design optimisation of catenaries for mixed trains at different speeds
Hanlei Wang, Dingyang Zheng and Wenyi Yan Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (2024)
Developing a framework for selecting alternative materials for construction projects using BIM and the particle swarm optimization algorithm
A Novel ANN-PSO Method for Optimizing a Small-Signal Equivalent Model of a Dual-Field-Plate GaN HEMT
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Performance assessment of steel cantilever beams based on connection behaviour using DIC technique and improved hybrid PSO algorithm
Optimization of support vector machine parameters in modeling of Iju deposit mineralization and alteration zones using particle swarm optimization algorithm and grid search method
A novel global MPPT technique using improved PS-FW algorithm for PV system under partial shading conditions
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Relay selection and power allocation for secrecy sum rate maximization in underlying cognitive radio with cooperative relaying NOMA
A study on optimal operation of gate-controlled reservoir system for flood control based on PSO algorithm combined with rearrangement method of partial solution groups
Medical model estimation with particle swarm optimization
Murat SARI, Arshed AHMAD and Hande USLU Communications Faculty Of Science University of Ankara Series A1Mathematics and Statistics 70(1) 468 (2021)
Data-Driven Optimization of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters via Pattern Search Algorithm
Modelling of lateral effective stress using the particle swarm optimization with machine learning models
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Detection and Identification of Global Maximum Power Point Operation in Solar PV Applications Using a Hybrid ELPSO-P&O Tracking Technique
Optimal Control of Carbon Dioxide Exchange Process in a Membrane Oxygenator Using Particle Swarm Optimization Approach
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Smart Integration of Renewable Energy Resources, Electrical, and Thermal Energy Storage in Microgrid Applications
Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Secure Computation Efficiency Maximization in a Power Beacon-Assisted Wireless-Powered Mobile Edge Computing NOMA System
EEFR-R: extracting effective fuzzy rules for regression problems, through the cooperation of association rule mining concepts and evolutionary algorithms